Did you know that the success of your marketing campaign, as well as your entire business, mainly depends on the method of communication you use? In the past, most businesses used posters, newsletters, emails, and brochures to ensure their customers are always updated. Most of these businesses thought there wouldn’t be any better technology other than emails since it was the fastest means to deliver messages.
However, some of these messages would be sent directly to spam, and this made it impossible for clients to read any of their updates. This paved the way for text message marketing. Today, mobile text marketing has lifted the spirit of business owners who had lost hope in their marketing campaign.
Here are a few reasons why you might want to get a message marketing service from Textedly:
1. Instant Deliverability
SMS marketing is very fast. The average time for sending to receiving a text message for all mobile carriers is less than 7 seconds. It’s just like putting your message into your potential client’s pocket. Although other marketing strategies are also fast, none of them can compare to the swiftness of a text message.
2. Highest Engagement Rate
In all marketing mediums, SMS marketing has the best engagement rate. Studies show that 90% of SMS are opened and read by recipients within the first 3 minutes after delivery. Moreover, about 95% of all adults own mobile phones throughout the world. Since sending and receiving SMS doesn’t require the use of the internet, text messaging has the highest rate of engagement across the globe.
3. Flexible Platform
Mobile text marketing allows you to send thousands of text messages to everyone on your list or send a few messages to a group of targeted individuals. You are the one to decide who should receive your messages. This makes it easy, efficient, and convenient to customize your campaign text messages in order to meet the needs of your subscribers. In short, SMS molds itself to any of your business needs.
If you are new to text message marketing, it’s important that you learn more about it because it’s the present and even the future of any marketing campaign. It’s a highly recommended strategy that lets you tap your potential market from all over the world. For more information about text message marketing, feel free to reach out to us at Textedly to schedule your initial … Read the rest