The culture of a private equity company is in stark contrast to that of most other workplaces. That’s because private equity firms are in the sensitive business of acquiring companies that are not making a profit and then quickly making changes and selling the improved “product” to their financial advantage. These days, the gentleman’s handshake and the three-martini lunch that were the tools of the trade for private equity companies have been replaced by something that is much more compelling and effective in the long run: private equity software.
Not so long ago – and perhaps it’s still happening in your company if you are a bit behind the times – the process of deal-making was a tortured one. It involved a seemingly endless stream of back-and-forth emails, data requests, replies, follow-up questions, more requests, spreadsheets and, if all went well, the final agreement. This endeavor was frustrating and, worse still, inefficient and prone to time-lapses and human error.
It’s no secret that computers and the internet have utterly transformed the business landscape, and private equity companies are no different. Numbers can be crunched in a flash; data is sharable anywhere and at any time and security can remain a top priority. The cloud allows for critical digital materials to be stored off-site, virtually eliminating the risk of catastrophic loss due to a data breach or natural disaster.
Private equity solutions allow you to automate the formerly tedious tasks of requesting and processing data and manipulating complex spreadsheets. That leaves you more time to do what computers and virtual data rooms will never be able to accomplish: building relationships with movers and shakers in your industry. At the same time, you can remain at the helm of your fund-raising and due diligence projects.
Specifically, your private equity software can send a secure invitation to your limited partners that allows them to view data that is customized just for them. Thanks to the security of your virtual data room and the robustness of your software, all parties can fully participate in the due diligence process, with no balls being dropped or critical errors made.
In the end, your software benefits everyone in the room, greasing the wheels that can make the mechanics of even the most complex deal operate with minimal effort. That leaves you and your team free to put out any fires that might ignite, answer investor questions and put concerns to rest. In short, having private equity software in your arsenal gives you a lot more clout than that old gin-soaked noontime excursion ever did.